Purchase On-Site In-Service MLD CE Course

Gay Lee's 4, 8, or 12 CE MLD In-Service Course is an engaging MLD Introduction or Refresher. Gay Lee has been a Dr Vodder School MLD Instructor since 2002 and is overwhelmingly adored by by her students. The selected MLD Topic Cards that complement the curriculum serve as MLD quick-reference after students complete the course. The course features a real-time graphical display of contact pressure to allow clinicians to accurately evaluate their MLD technique. Clinic staff and directors will love this course. A clinic, department, or conference may contract for this course. Gay Lee Gulbrandson is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.

Please Contact Gay Lee to contract her for this course.

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Purchase 8 CE Topic Card Home Study Course


Gay Lee's 8 CE Topic Card Home Study Course is easy, effective, and revolutionary. Graphically based, it presents the basics of the Lymph System, Lymphedema, and Manual Lymph Drainage in a series of clear illustrations and simple descriptions. This is the ideal way to learn about the versatile, therapeutic, medically prescribed technique of MLD. The Topic Cards that comprise the curriculum serve as your MLD quick-reference guide after you complete the course.

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The basic strokes illustrated and explained in plain language; correct locations for use of the strokes, condensed basic principles, explanation of skin motion, direction of strokes, more.

TOPIC CARDS XI Best Practices for Lymphedema

Evidence based best practices in LE treatment, LE statistics, applications list, Dr Vodder School Int'l programs & training, MLD applications list, survey of organizations in LE research, more.

TOPIC CARDS X Glossary & Reference

List of key terms and definitions; Combined Decongestive Therapy (CDT/MLD) explained, survey of knowledge for CLT-LANA professional independent certification exam, much more.

TOPIC CARDS IX Basic Principles

The guidelines for effective MLD technique, what to do and what not to do, amount of pressure, direction, repetition, basic strokes types, where they are used, special strokes, anatomy, more.
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